Have you ever started dating a girl who tried to talk a big game about how she was so tight that you might not even be able to get your dick inside her? Every time a girl has talked shit like that I always made sure to wreck that pussy so good she’d have to forget about every other pencil dick she’d ever had. Yeah I’m big, but all it takes is some lube and some determination, and I’ve got both.
When it comes to watching porn, I’m addicted to watching petite girls get filled to the max with cum and cock. That’s why sites like Tiny 4K really get me off hard. I love watching these nymphos bend over and just taunt those monster dicks. And the 4K Ultra HD quality video makes the experience that much more awesome. These girls are tiny and barely legal, which makes me barely able to keep my jizz in my balls for over a minute.
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